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With Earth Day fresh in our mind, it’s an appropriate time to reflect on several widely-circulated reports that paint Canada as such an environmental laggard that we supposedly rank 28th out of 29 among developed countries.

One such study, Canada vs. the OECD: An Environmental Comparison, concludes that Canada has one of the poorest environmental records in the industrialized world. The report rankings have subsequently been used to support policy recommendations, without reference to the limitations and biases of the methodology.

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On May 28th, a new Hollywood blockbuster is poised to unleash a perfect storm of propagandistic gyrations. Like The China Syndrome and Waterworld, “The Day After Tomorrow” is an apocalyptic tale of environmental self-destruction. This time though, it’s not a nuclear reactor or melting ice caps, it’s a sudden ice age -- and we mean like a few days worth of sudden -- caused by human greenhouse gas emissions that trigger the shutdown of a major oceanic current that distributes heat around the globe.

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After being struck on the head by an acorn, Chicken Little ran to tell the King that “The sky is falling! The sky is falling! Thanks to that charming fairy tale, Chicken Little has, ever since, been an icon for foolish alarmism. Now, just in time for the New Year, (and with a new Prime Minister to try to pressure), Canada’s very own Chicken Little, a “senior climatologist” with environment Canada has come out with a laundry list of sky-is-falling hysteria.
