federal budget

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Growth expectations from private-sector economists have consistently declined since this government came to power.

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Government-sponsored venture capital initiatives tend to underperform compared to initiatives funded by the private sector.

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Ottawa’s so-called infrastructure spending plan includes $77 million to develop regulations for driverless cars and unmanned air vehicles.

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By reducing the rewards of investment and entrepreneurship, governments in Canada have discouraged the very activity they profess to encourage.

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Ontario’s top marginal tax rate is 53.5 per cent, among the highest rates in the developed world.

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President Donald Trump and the Republican Congress have begun to reform the U.S. regulatory system.

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Under the Trudeau government, deficits continue with no end in sight, debt is growing and taxes have increased.

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Since the Liberals’ first forecast in 2015, expected GDP for 2017 has dropped by $62 billion or $1,700 per Canadian.

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The Trump administration is negotiating tax reform that could make the U.S. much more attractive for investment and skilled workers.