federal government debt

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Reality of government matters when assessing policy options

Such implicit or explicit assumptions invariably lead to unintended consequences.

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Federal debt may eclipse $1 trillion for first time in Canadian history

According to forecasts, Canadian economic growth for 2020 will shrink by more than 12 per cent.

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Chrétien’s fiscal prudence lessons for Prime Minister Trudeau

The federal debt going into this recession would have been $617.9 billion rather than the expected $713.2 billion.

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What would Chrétien’s budget rules have meant for Trudeau: Part 2

The Trudeau government has run five consecutive deficits since taking office in 2015 and is expected to have accumulated approximately $84.3 billion in federal debt—$713.2 billion total—by the end of 2019-20.

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Higher interest rates associated with government borrowing act like an implicit tax

Default risk and exchange-rate risk increase for foreign lenders as they increase their holdings of any government’s debt.

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Interest on government debt—a costly problem for the Rock
Provincial interest payments are projected to equal $2,675 for every man, woman and child.

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Atlantic Canadians carry large government debt burden

Newfoundland and Labrador has the highest per-person total government debt among the provinces at $48,478.

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Canadians paying dearly for government debt in Canada

Ottawa is expected to spend $24.4 billion on federal government debt interest costs in 2019/20.

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Government policies hurting—not helping—on several fronts

The Trudeau government projects a $26.6 billion deficit for 2019-20.