federal government spending

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Spending reductions—not tax increases—key to economic recovery and budget balance
According to current projections, the federal government will not balance the budget until 2050.

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Canadians will pay for Trudeau government’s record spending

Ottawa ran budget deficits worth a total of $94.1 billion from 2015/16 to 2019/20.

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Prime Ministers and Government Spending, 2021 edition

Federal program spending in 2021 will reach a projected $11,370 per person—or 18.7 per cent of the economy.

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Trudeau government keeps ‘imagining’ while Canadians suffer the economic consequences

For the 45 research projects approved, almost $100 million had been committed but not necessarily spent.

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Comparing pre-recession economic performance—Chrétien vs. Trudeau

Per-person GDP growth was 4.8 times greater during the Chrétien period than the Trudeau period.

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Alberta’s woes threaten Canada’s finances from coast to coast

Ottawa annually pocketed $22 billion more in revenue from Alberta than it spent in the province.

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Federal and provincial government debt mounting quickly in Canada

Ontarians carry the second-largest combined government debt burden among Canadians.

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Trudeau government’s approach to federal finances anything but ‘prudent’

Up to $22.3 billion of income stabilization spending was likely wasted or poorly targeted.