government regulations

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Ottawa destroying child-care market

The government heavily tilted the field against private operators who serve the majority of the market.

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Federal government still peddling COVID misinformation

New research shows that mask wearing had little to no effect on transmission rates.

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Government-mandated ESG disclosures—a reality check

The evidence casts doubt on the popular claim that ESG will make investors more money.

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It’s reasonable to call Trudeau a modern-day socialist

The prime minister has mandated the end of new vehicle sales that emit greenhouse gases by 2035.

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B.C. government imposes travel restrictions while COVID numbers fall

The seven-day moving average of new daily positive COVID cases has been decreasing since April 12.

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Three ways federal government can spur COVID recovery

Trade liberalization could increase Canada’s economic output by up to $130 billion annually.

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Despite spending hundreds of billions during COVID, we seem to have little to show for it

Governments in Canada are experts at imposing rules and regulations rather than incentives.

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Lobbying can lead to monopolies (which can lead to higher prices and/or lower quality)

Roughly 35 per cent of Canada's economy is shielded from competition in some way.