oil and gas

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The province has run an operating deficit in all but one year since 2008/09—even when oil prices exceeded $90 per barrel.

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There are 175 collective bargaining agreements with public-sector employees coming up for negotiation in the near future.

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A recent op-ed cited the “myth of underfunding” of First Nations communities in Canada. Whatever your opinion on the issue, the facts are clear. Consider the four streams of revenue that flow to First Nations across the country.

Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC)

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The provincial government created a new five-bracket tax system with a top tax rate increasing by 50 per cent.

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The National Energy Board’s recent report helps answer some key 'oil to market' questions.

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Province’s net financial position could decrease by another $14 billion in 2016/17, making it a net debtor province.

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Annual cap on oilsands emissions means that once emissions hit prescribed threshold, no further development will be allowed.

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Between 2004/05 and 2014/15, Alberta’s provincial government increased program spending by nearly 100 per cent.

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If the province wants to seize new economic opportunities, it could ease the movement of skilled labour and improve Alberta’s tax competitiveness, among other things.

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Prime Minister Trudeau’s remarks at the World Economic Forum in Davo unfortunately reflect an attitude of discomfort with Canada’s resource economy.