ontario government spending

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Ford’s former finance minister proffers sound advice for his successor

Ontario's net debt will reach a forecasted $390 billion within the next five years.

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Ford government counting on revenue growth to outpace spending

The provincial net debt could hit $390 billion by 2023-24.

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Rising interest payments will make Ford’s life harder

Ontario’s debt load will soar to a forecasted $392 billion by 2023/24.

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Ford government following fiscal strategy of its predecessors

Ontario has the second-highest top combined provincial/federal marginal income tax rate in North America.

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Ford’s first budget must fulfill campaign promises

Program spending this year is projected to be $17.7 billion higher than two years ago.

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Ford’s first budget—will it continue Wynne’s spend-fest

In 2018/19, the Ontario government expects to spend approximately $12.6 billion more than it collects.

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Ford government should heed lessons of recent fiscal history

Neither the McGuinty or Wynne governments balanced the budget.

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Ford government should recognize 'recession' risks of huge deficit

Ontario is running a $14.5 billion budget deficit.