inflation rate

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Canadians weary after years of brutal inflation

The labour market has also softened, with job growth slowing and the unemployment rate rising.

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No, you won’t tame inflation with more government spending

We’ve seen a steady erosion of per-capita GDP growth and persistent government deficits.

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Don’t raise the Bank of Canada’s 2% inflation target

Reductions in purchasing power tend to be concentrated among lower-income workers.

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Bank of Canada must stay aggressive to tame inflation

Ottawa is spending nearly one-third more than it was in 2019 before the pandemic.

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Federal government should help increase productivity to tame inflation

Ottawa should stop imposing costly ESG reporting mandates on companies.

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Canada should abolish supply management to help tame inflation

The inflation rate for supply managed products such as butter and milk outpaced the general rate.

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Canadians relearning hard economic lessons of ’70s and ’80s

Persistent labour shortages are helping drive up costs.

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Inflation—why now and not post-2008?

While the Bank of Canada is beginning to shed assets, it will take sustained aggressive action to get control of the situation.

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Latest agreement leaves Bank of Canada’s responsibilities unclear

The 2021 agreement introduced a new goal—that monetary policy should also support maximum “sustainable” employment.