alberta taxes

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Alberta government can soften blow of Ottawa’s capital gains tax hike

Capital taxes reduce the incentive to innovate and invest.

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Alberta government should finally restore province’s tax advantage

The province last year had the 10th-highest top combined income tax rate among 61 North American jurisdictions.

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Alberta government should undo personal income tax hikes

If the government made this change, approximately 2.3 million Albertans would save $1,573 per year (on average).

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Alberta government should align spending with dependable sources of revenue

When resource revenue is relatively high, the government faces pressure to increase spending.

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Alberta government should cut corporate welfare to generate tax relief

In 2019, the Alberta government spent $2 billion on corporate welfare.

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Alberta government should pursue single 8 per cent income tax rate

Lower income tax rates incentivize people to work, save, invest and engage in entrepreneurial activities.

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Smith needs constitutional change to protect Albertans from future tax hikes

Future governments can easily and unilaterally change any law passed by the legislature.

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More than 70% of Albertans feel the average family is over-taxed

A majority of respondents in the province believe the average family should pay 25 per cent or less of its income in total taxes.