Joel Emes

Senior Economist, Fraser Institute

Joel Emes is a Senior Economist, Addington Centre for Measurement, at the Fraser Institute. Joel started his career with the Fraser Institute and rejoined after a stint as a senior analyst, acting executive director and then senior advisor to British Columbia’s provincial government. Joel initiated and led several flagship projects in the areas of tax freedom and government performance, spending, debt, and unfunded liabilities. He supports many projects at the Institute in areas such as investment, equalization, school performance and fiscal policy. Joel holds a B.A. and an M.A. in economics from Simon Fraser University.

Recent Research by Joel Emes

— Sep 10, 2024
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British Columbia’s Descent into Debt

British Columbia’s Descent into Debt finds that the B.C. provincial government continues with its current fiscal plans, it will become the third-most indebted province in the country by 2029/30.

— Aug 29, 2024
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Report Card on Ontario’s Elementary Schools 2024

Report Card on Ontario's Elementary Schools, 2024 ranks 3021 public, Catholic, and independent elementary schools based on nine academic indicators derived from provincewide test results, finding that regardless of type, location, and student characteristics, the data suggest every school can improve.

— Aug 1, 2024
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Ontario Premiers and Provincial Government Spending 2024

Ontario Premiers and Provincial Government Spending, 2024 finds that despite political rhetoric while in opposition, the Ontario government of Premier Doug Ford has recorded two of the three highest per person spending levels since 1965, even excluding COVID-related one-time spending. In fact, Premier Ford’s highest per person spending levels ($12,227 in 2020 and $12,081 in 2021, excluding COVID spending) surpass former Premier Kathleen Wynne’s highest spending level: $11,101 in 2017.