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This paper argues that the reason provincial governments have not improved academic achievement is that political control of schooling has significant, inherent deficiencies. Even with the best of intentions and highly qualified teachers and administrators, politically-run schooling invariably disappoints because it has unfortunate, but inevitable, unintended consequences.

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The index published in Economic Freedom of the World measures the degree to which the policies and institutions of countries are supportive of economic freedom. The cornerstones of freedom are personal choice, voluntary exchange, freedom to compete, and security...

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The Fraser Institute's Hospital Report Card: Ontario 2006 is constructed to help patients choose the best hospital for their inpatient care by providing them with information on the performance of Ontario acute-care hospitals.

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Union transparency is important for two reasons. First, transparency enables workers to make more informed decisions about their preference for collective representation. Second, transparency leads to and is essential for accountability. Disclosing financial information publicly allows workers and interested parties alike to determine the appropriateness, effectiveness, and efficacy of union spending.

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This Fraser Alert looks at three dimensions of Canada's physician shortage. It begins with a short review of the literature examining whether or not a greater supply of physicians provides benefits other than easier access to care. The next section considers how Canada's physician supply has evolved over time and what factors have helped determine that evolution. The final section closes with a consideration of what is ultimately driving the physician shortage in Canada and provides a sensible solution to the problem.

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Salmon farming, or aquaculture, has become a regular news feature in British Columbia. Headlines portray an environmentally destructive industry. But is this really the case? What concrete scientific evidence do we have for such claims? As we dig deeper, it appears that scientific research does not back up the supposed threat of escaped farmed salmon.

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This is a chapter from the book What States Can Do to Reform Health Care: A Free-Market Primer. Seven leading scholars contributed chapters to this book, which focuses on Medicaid, health insurance, hospital certificate-of-need laws, malpractice liability, physician quality assurance, prescription piracy, and pharmaceutical costs.