Provincial Prosperity

— Feb 15, 2024
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Comparing Employment Income in Toronto and Selected American Metropolitan Areas

Comparing Employment Income in Toronto and Selected American Metropolitan Areas is a new study that compares median employment income in Toronto and US metropolitan areas, and finds that the annual gap in employment income between Toronto and the lowest ranking large US metropolitan area, Miami, was $2,030 in 2019, while the difference between Toronto and the highest-ranking US metro, San Francisco, was $32,765.

— Jan 30, 2024
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Alberta’s Underlying Budget Deficit finds that if not for historically high resource revenue, the Alberta government would run a large budget deficit this year and the next two years.

— Jan 18, 2024
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The Collapse of Student Testing in BC High Schools

The Collapse of Student Testing in BC High Schools is a new study that finds participation in B.C.’s provincewide student assessments has dropped, and at the same time, fewer students are meeting the proficiency standards in numeracy and literacy (with one out of every two Grade 10 student failing).

— Jan 4, 2024
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British Columbia's Coming Debt Boom in Historical Context

British Columbia’s Coming Debt Boom in Historical Context is a new study that finds over the next three years, the BC government plans to add a total of $35.6 billion in new debt (adjusting for both inflation and financial assets). This compares with additional debt of $9.9 billion after the pandemic and $17.8 billion after the financial crisis of 2008/09.

— Nov 28, 2023
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Measuring Ontario’s Prosperity Gap at the Metropolitan Area Level

Measuring Ontario’s Prosperity Gap at The Metropolitan Area Level is a new study that ranks employment incomes in the largest 107 metropolitan areas around the Great Lakes region for 2019. It finds that London (93rd) and Windsor (99th) are right near the bottom and are $10-12,000 less than median employment incomes in Detroit, Buffalo and Cleveland.

— Nov 7, 2023
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Measuring British Columbia's Prosperity Gap at the Metropolitan Level

Measuring British Columbia’s Prosperity Gap at the Metropolitan Level finds that the median income for workers in Seattle dwarfs the median income for workers in Vancouver, underscoring a general prosperity gap between B.C. and its regional neighbours.

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