alberta budget

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Alberta government should rein in spending despite budget surplus

The government has increased program spending by nearly $10 billion since its original plan in 2022.

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Alberta government should align spending with dependable sources of revenue

When resource revenue is relatively high, the government faces pressure to increase spending.

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Alberta government wastes generational opportunity to restore provincial finances

If it held the line on spending, the government could have run a $6.7 billion surplus in 2023/24.

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Smith government takes one step forward two steps back in Budget 2023

Program spending is projected to be $4.2 billion higher in 2023/24 than budgeted just a few months ago.

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Alberta government faces fundamental choice in upcoming budget

Successive governments have perpetuated the boom-bust cycle of provincial finances.

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Alberta government should seize opportunity to reduce province’s personal income taxes

Due to tax hikes in Ottawa and Edmonton, the province's top combined income tax rate increased to 48 per cent.

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Despite surplus, Smith government must restrain spending

Governments in Alberta have a long history of increasing provincial spending during periods of high resource revenue, which inevitably leads to deficits once resource revenues decline.

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Alberta’s revenue windfall—don’t just spend it

The province will run a $13.2 billion projected surplus in 2022/23 due largely to resource revenue.