government subsidies

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Ottawa’s corporate welfare won’t spur economic growth

The federal government plans to spend an estimated $13 billion on subsidies for Volkswagen’s Ontario battery plant.

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Federal budget ramps up corporate welfare—funded by taxpayers

By 2027/28, the forecasted annual cost of federal debt interest will exceed $50 billion—or more than $1,200 per Canadian.

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Ottawa destroying child-care market

The government heavily tilted the field against private operators who serve the majority of the market.

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Ottawa has long troubled history of writing cheques

The auditor general found that $4.6 billion in payments for programs such as CERB were made to individuals who were ineligible.

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Ontario government should end unnecessary ‘training’ subsidies

The province plans to spend more than $200 million on employment and skills training.

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Ontario government doles out corporate welfare

The province plans to give $500 million in loans and grants to a steel manufacturer in Hamilton.

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Ford should butt out of Ontario’s business

The Ford government plans to invest $100 million of taxpayer money in technology companies.

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Boost EI but don’t create new wage subsidy program

The $3.8 billion program will provide up to $25,000 in subsidies per employer.

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Media bailouts will do more harm than good

Advertisers pay for reaching groups of consumers that will buy their products.

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Golf is great—but don’t even think about subsidizing it

When I play 18 holes, the person who benefits is me.