tax hikes

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Reality check—Ottawa’s capital gains tax hike hurts Canada’s economic wellbeing

The tax increase will deter business investment in the economy and chase away capital.

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Government services faltering despite Ottawa’s tax hikes

Since 2015, the number of employees at the Canada Revenue Agency increased from around 40,000 to almost 60,000.

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Capital gains tax hike will cause widespread damage in Canadian economy

If the government wanted to pay for new programs, it could’ve reduced spending in other areas.

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Ford and Trudeau share affection for spending and taxes

The Ontario government expects a net debt increase of more than $24 billion this year alone.

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New capital gains hike won’t work as claimed but will harm the economy

Investors may delay selling capital assets because they anticipate a change in government and a reversal back to the previous inclusion rate.

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Toronto should reduce spending before raising taxes on homeowners

Salaries for municipal government staff in Toronto were an estimated 11.2 per cent higher than private-sector rates.

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Case for tax hikes much weaker than you think

The federal government raised the top income tax rate from 29 per cent to 33 per cent.

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Federal government misleading Canadians about ‘fair share’ of taxes

The bottom 20 per cent of income-earning families pay 0.7 per cent of all federal and provincial personal income taxes.

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Contrary to rhetoric, many Canadians don’t support raising taxes on the ‘rich’

The top 20 per cent of income-earning households paid 61.4 per cent of the country’s personal income taxes in 2022.

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Young Americans support abstract and unworkable socialism

Only 32 per cent of Americans define socialism as government taking control of companies and industries.