federal government debt

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Trudeau’s record-high spending hasn’t translated into strong economic growth

During the Trudeau period, business investment actually declined by 0.2 per cent.

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New Federal Government Cannot Continue the Debt Binge

The new Liberal minority government should develop a credible plan to balance the budget and stop debt accumulation.

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Federal debt accumulation will disproportionately burden younger Canadians

Over a two-year span, Ottawa is expected to add more than $500 billion in federal debt.

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Trudeau rhetoric can’t change Canada’s fiscal reality

Due to federal tax changes, 61 per cent of low-income families face higher personal income taxes.

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Freeland doubles down despite dismal pre-COVID economic numbers

The Trudeau government ranks last on average total household income growth.

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Federal government’s spending rationale based on misleading debt picture

Canada has the fifth-highest level of total indebtedness (relative to the size of our economy) among 29 industrialized countries.

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Trudeau government spending large on Canada’s credit card

Federal program spending in 2021/22 is $54.4 billion higher than planned in November 2020.

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Federal ‘stimulus’ spending will likely arrive late with minimal benefits

The government says $101 billion in stimulus spending is required for “sustained economic recovery.”

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Interest on federal debt—a growing problem

Interest payments on the federal debt are expected to equal $20.2 billion in 2020/21.