federal spending

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Parliament should work toward budget balance for sake of Canadians

Since 2015/16, federal gross debt has approximately doubled from $1.1 trillion to an expected $2.1 trillion this year.

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Alberta remains largest net contributor to Ottawa’s coffers despite damaging federal policies

From 2007 to 2022, Albertans contributed $244.6 billion more to the federal government than they received.

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Provinces should be cautious about cost-sharing agreements with Ottawa

The federal government's debt will reach a projected $2.1 trillion in 2024/25.

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Canada unlikely to meet NATO commitments without significant debt accumulation

Because of its own failures to responsibly manage the nation’s finances, Canada is in a weak fiscal position to increase defence spending.

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Federal government’s redistribution economics doesn’t work

From 2015 to 2022, average government transfers to families with children have increased by 24.2 per cent.

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Ford and Trudeau share affection for spending and taxes

The Ontario government expects a net debt increase of more than $24 billion this year alone.

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Misleading polls may produce more damaging federal policies
Support for pharmacare drops from 79 per cent to 40 per cent when the question includes a GST hike.

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Today’s federal government—massive spending growth and epic betting

According to the budget, the government will spend $95 billion more in 2024-25 than it planned only three years ago.

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Federal government’s fiscal record—one for the history books

The size of the federal government has expanded by more than one quarter in a decade.