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Ontario government subsidized buyers of the $1.1 million Porsche 918 Spyder.

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The recent federal budget paints a gloomy misleading picture of Canadian society.

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While it might not appear so, a higher minimum wage is effectively a tax.

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If producers are free to manage supplies, then we get healthy competition and lower prices.

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Political pressures surrounding attempts to attract or sustain investment from high-profile foreign businesses can be overwhelming.

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In B.C., the vast majority of minimum wage workers live with their parents or other relatives.

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Annual average job-creation for 2014 to 2016 is below the rate seen during the immediate post-recession recovery period.

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The Fraser Institute has been at the fore of publishing work related to pension issues and correcting misconceptions to provide Canadians with better information.

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The results of research and analyses are often unexpected.

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Part of being free is being free not to participate in the democratic process if you don’t want to.

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