The Brighter Side of COVID-19
Marian Tupy explains that now, more than ever, humanity’s embrace of science and innovation must be unimpeded.
How Innovation Works: And Why It Flourishes in Freedom
Matt Ridley argues that we need to see innovation as an emergent, serendipitous, evolutionary and collaborative process resulting from free markets.
Canadian Health Care: Diagnosis, Prognosis, Prescription
Bacchus Barua discusses Canada’s history with wait times, and proposes potential solutions based on the experiences of other universal health care systems.
The Mystery of Capital
World renowned economist, Hernando de Soto, explores why some countries succeed at capitalism while others fail.
On Productivity: The Story of Labour Market Mobility
Robert Murphy talks improved productivity growth, higher wages, and faster job creation – all beginning with greater flexibility in labour contracts.
Do Markets Corrupt Our Morals?
Ginny Choi draws from empirical studies to explore and potentially reassess the claim that markets corrupt our morals.
The Green Market Revolution: Reasons for Optimism
Johan Norberg discusses the real state of the planet’s environment and the institutions that make progress possible.
Freedom and Its Enemies
Nineteen time Emmy-winner John Stossel shares examples of the amazing benefits of free markets, and the worrying dangers of government regulation.
The Essential Austrian Economics
Peter Boettke emphasizes the preferences and actions of individuals, and explores the key tenets of Austrian economics and its foremost thinkers.
Climate Innovations
How does increasing global prosperity address global warming issues? Bjorn Lomborg explains that the path forward is driven by ingenuity.
Poverty, Inc.
Michael Matheson Miller runs us through some of his findings on the road to creating his award-winning documentary unearthing the dark side of charity.
The Economics of Love & Dating
Ninos Malek provides some hot tips and tricks on how to make the most of your love life, just by learning the basics of economics!
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