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The LNG industry in B.C. has the potential to supply up to 20 per cent of the Asia-Pacific LNG market by 2020.

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Canadians pay about twice the amount of tax on gasoline compared to Americans.

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Studies have shown that economic freedom boosts tolerance, a necessary condition for successful democracies.

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Prime Minister Trudeau recently said that infrastructure spending is “the key” to kick-starting Canada’s economy.

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Trying to stimulate other sectors of the economy so their increased output will balance off the loss in energy will simply build in future problems of maladjustment in these industries.

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Alberta remains the only province that permits the establishment and operation of charter schools in Canada.

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Spider-Man accepted a moral obligation to use his powers to help people. Does Jessica feel the same way?

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The Alberta premier chimed in on B.C.'s opposition to the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion.

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On Sunday, Leonardo DiCaprio won a Golden Globe Award for best actor, and he’s getting a lot of press for his concern about indigenous people around the world.

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