LNG industry

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Federal government continues to reject golden opportunities to export LNG

Currently, Canada has no operational LNG export terminals.

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U.S. halt on LNG exports presents new opportunity for Canada

Canada has no operational LNG export terminals unlike the United States, which has 27 such facilities.

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Ottawa’s opposition to natural gas hurting Canadians and the world

It’s not too late for Canada to reconsider its stance on natural gas production, distribution, consumption and trade.

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Canada did not ‘miss’ its LNG window—it was nailed shut

Despite the demand, Canada has only one operational LNG terminal.

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Canada’s lost LNG opportunities due to dearth of export facilities

European natural gas prices have risen more than 30 per cent since Russia invaded Ukraine.

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Despite support from local politicians and First Nations groups, Andrew Weaver is digging in his heels on LNG.

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The B.C. NDP wants to raise the province’s carbon tax to $50 per tonne.

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The regulatory approval process for Pacific NorthWest LNG has taken more than 750 days and counting.