Fossil fuels provide more than three quarters of all energy consumed in Canada.
natural gas
Oil, natural gas, and other fossil fuel products dominate Canadian energy exports—and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
With a “moderate” level of development, the province projects $21 billion in investment over 20 years.
Gas and coal produced nearly 90 per cent of the province's electricity.
The dominance of the U.S. in Canada’s international trade flows reflects the importance of physical distance on trade patterns.
The surge in energy prices forced the continent to revert to coal, a power source that emits 50 per cent more greenhouse gas than natural gas.
The pursuit of a rapid energy transition is causing massive environmental degradation.
Within the energy basket, oil is by far the largest earner.
It’s not too late for Canada to reconsider its stance on natural gas production, distribution, consumption and trade.