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Canada has one of the most expensive universal health-care systems in the world, yet on indicator after indicator, we’re not getting good value for our money.

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Let’s look at the expected fiscal balances in Canada’s 10 provinces for 2015/16.

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B.C. Premier Christy Clark recently said that another plebiscite would be required if Metro Vancouver municipal governments want a new tax to fund a transit-heavy capital plan.

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The need for infrastructure spending in Canada is getting a lot of attention this election, with all the parties presenting platform planks on the amounts they would spend.

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Ontario can offer some painful examples of what can happen when you abandon coal for renewables.

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Monday morning I was in class teaching the “Coase solution” to externalities problems, which is named after its discoverer, Ronald Coase, the Nobelist economist and one of very few humans ever to publish a book in his second century.

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Because of the Indian Act, First Nations people in Canada who choose to live on a reserve are grouped in the same category as children.

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Netflix's Blacklist, featuring a former respected surgeon-turned-fugitive, raises complex questions about market demand.

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Upper-middle income earners in Canada receive full OAS benefits, which doesn’t represent effective targeting of benefits.

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When comparing overall operating expenditures, on-reserve students receive the same amount (on average) as other Canadian students, and in some cases, more.

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