alberta government finances

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Kenney government’s upcoming budget should avoid past mistakes

Alberta's government finances deteriorated by roughly $97 billion over 15 years.

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Aging population will put more pressure on Alberta’s provincial finances

According to projections, seniors will account for 18.8 per cent of Alberta's population by 2040.

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Don’t be fooled by positive short-term news in Alberta fiscal update

Provincial government net debt is projected to reach $73.9 billion—or roughly $16,071 per Albertan. 

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Outflow of Albertans should set off alarm bells

Unlike Texas, Alberta government finances deteriorated due to spending-fuelled budget deficits.

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New report paints gloomy picture of Alberta’s fiscal future—absent policy change

According to the PBO, Alberta must reduce spending by 3.1 per cent of GDP to restore fiscal sustainability.

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New report underscores Alberta’s fiscal woes

Between 2008/09 and 2019/20, the province's net debt increased by $71.8 billion.

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‘Sustainability’ fund could help Alberta get off resource revenue rollercoaster

Provincial program spending increased from $8,012 in 1999/00 to $10,618 by 2006/07.