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More money hasn’t improved B.C. schools

Operational spending is comprised mainly of salaries and benefits for teachers.

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Ontario education spending up but student performance is down

Many of the province's curriculum guides are confusing and lack sufficient content.

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Poll shows B.C. parents want balance—not bias—in K-12 classrooms

Eighty-five per cent of B.C. parents want schools to provide advance notice before controversial topics are discussed.

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Alberta parents want balance—not bias—in the classroom

Seventy-four per cent of parents in the province believe teachers should present both sides of controversial issues.

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Majority of Ontario parents want balance—not bias—and parental consent in K-12 schools

Eighty-one per cent of Ontario parents want schools to provide advance notice when controversial topics will be discussed.

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Ontario’s Canadian history curriculum remains a confusing mess

The specific learning outcomes in the curriculum guide are so broad that teachers can do almost anything with them.

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All high school graduates should be able to pass the citizenship test
In some provinces, what students learn about Canadian history is left almost entirely to the teacher’s discretion.