student assessment

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‘Grade inflation’ gives students false sense of their academic abilities

We do students no favours when we give them marks they don’t really deserve.

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B.C. parents confused by government’s new ‘descriptive’ grading

Sixty-four per cent of B.C. parents were unable to correctly identify the term “emerging" from a list of options.

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More money hasn’t improved B.C. schools

Operational spending is comprised mainly of salaries and benefits for teachers.

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More money not the answer for schools—just look at Alberta

The province's charter schools incentivize government school boards to diversify their programming options.

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Schools shouldn’t sacrifice student performance to vague notions of ‘equity’

The three highest performing K-12 education systems in Canada offer relatively high levels of school choice.

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Smartphone ban in New Brunswick classrooms can’t come soon enough

From 2003 to 2022, the province's math scores plummeted by 44 points.