debt and deficit

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Ottawa’s ballooning debt and deficits should be major campaign issue

Canada has the fifth-highest level of total government debt among 29 industrialized countries.

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Deficits for 50 years—a plan fraught with risks and consequences

The Trudeau government plans to implement new spending programs including national childcare and pharmacare.

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B.C. budget lacks effective plan for finances and economy

Program spending is projected to increase from pre-pandemic levels by 15.2 per cent in 2021/22.

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Nova Scotia budget shows debt accumulating at rapid pace

The string of deficits will increase Nova Scotia’s government debt by nearly 40 per cent from 2019/20 to 2024/25.

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Expanding government won’t help Canada’s recovery

If Prime Minister Trudeau keeps his commitment to no new taxes, borrowing will finance the proposed expansion.

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Ottawa has a big spending problem

Total federal expenditures will grow to a projected $420.5 billion in 2024-25.

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Ottawa’s net debt projected to hit $859 billion by 2023-24

No Opposition party has signalled it would balance the budget in the near- or medium-term.