economic growth

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Premier Ford should look west for tax advice

Alberta will reduce its corporate income tax rate to 8 per cent.

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Energy use can help stimulate post-COVID recovery in Canada

A 10 per cent increase in energy consumption is associated with a 1.2 per cent increase in economic activity.

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Fostering economic growth through ‘creative destruction’

The profit and loss system provides quick feedback on the quality of innovation.

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Canada’s gloomy economic outlook may put federal finances at risk

The Bank of Canada recently reiterated its long-term expectation that economic growth will decline to 1.3 per cent.

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Next federal government should target corporate income taxes

Investment by Canadians abroad has increased while foreign investment into Canada has decreased.

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The new normal—continued economic growth, not secular stagnation

Innovation will revolutionize future economic productivity.

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Media fuels Morneau’s state of denial

The economy grew at 0.9 per cent in the second quarter, not 3.7 per cent.