economic growth

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Mr. Prime Minister, the good times won’t last forever

The 2018-19 federal deficit will be $800 million higher than projected in the government’s budget.

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The realities of central banking

President Trump’s recent attacks on the U.S. Federal Reserve underscore the important role central banks play in any economy.

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Competitiveness by the numbers is only partly helpful

In the World Economic Forum’s recent Global Competitiveness Report, the U.S. ranked 1st and Canada ranked 12th.

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When taxes on investment returns are very high, the negative consequences, compounded over time, can be dramatic.

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Over the decade, Ontario ranked dead last for median household income growth.

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Only New Brunswick and Nova Scotia created fewer private-sector jobs than Ontario, on average, each year between 2007 and 2016.

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Ontario’s upcoming provincial budget will likely include a significant increase in government spending with an eye on the spring election.

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Excluding Canada and the U.S., the average annual economic growth rate for the other five G7 countries over the past 20 years is 1.28 per cent.

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Finance Minister Bill Morneau’s budget missed an opportunity to convince investors that Canada remains a desirable place to invest.