electric cars

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Market-driven innovation much greener than government ‘net-zero’ mandates

Solar panels and wind turbines require more than 10 times the quantity of materials compared to carbon fuel-based alternatives.

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‘Green’ recovery plans will impose substantial costs on the economy

Ottawa has mandated the phase-out of conventional coal-fired electricity generation.

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Electric vehicles still not pulling their weight

Buyers can score rebates of up to $5,000 off the cost of EVs.

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Ottawa handing out electric car subsidies

Federal rebates now apply to $50,000 vehicles.

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Subsidy-powered vehicles get a tune-up from Ottawa

The federal government plans to spend $130 million on electric vehicle charging stations.

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Electric cars may not be as clean as they seem

Lithium-ion batteries are manufactured in some of the world’s worst-polluting countries.

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Ontario should kill and bury electric car subsidies

Tesla sued Ontario, claiming a case of “unjustified targeting.”

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Ontario is about to up the ante when it comes to climate change and energy policy by embarking on a $7-billion dollar plan to completely transform how people use energy.