health-care costs

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New Brunswickers will endure long health-care waits until government enacts real reform

Last year the province's median wait between referral from a family doctor and receipt of surgery was 52.6 weeks.

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Nova Scotia government’s policies hurt health-care recruitment effort

The province has some of the highest personal income taxes in North America.

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Nova Scotia health-care system needs reform, not a blank cheque

Nova Scotians waited 58.2 weeks (on average) between referral from a GP to receipt of treatment.

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Alberta opts for federal health-care dollars over meaningful reforms

The province expects to receive more than $6 billion from Ottawa via the Canada Health Transfer this year.

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Cost-sharing could improve patient accountability in Canada

In Sweden, patients usually pay a nominal fee for family doctor appointments.

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Understanding universal health care, Part 3: Cost-Sharing for Patients in France

The French health-care system features several safety nets to protect vulnerable patients.

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More money from Ottawa won’t solve Canada’s health-care woes

Canada ranked last on access to specialist visits in under four weeks.

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Private contracts—one important step towards health-care reform

Last year, Canadians could expect to wait 25.6 weeks from referral by a family physician to elective surgical care.

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Premiers simply demand more money while ignoring possible health-care solutions

If the provinces increased provincial spending, they’d either have to raise taxes or run larger budget deficits.

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Canada’s aging population—what does it mean for government finances?

At the provincial level, an aging population is putting upward pressure on health-care spending.