personal income tax rate

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Tax burden for Nova Scotian families continues to grow

The average family in the province will pay more than 45 per cent of its income in taxes this year.

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Four in 10 Canadians prefer socialism but not higher taxes to pay for it

Support for socialism drops from 50 per cent among Canadians 18-24 years old to 38 per cent among Canadians over 55.

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Subtle tax change costing Albertans hundreds of millions

In 2023/24, de-indexation could cost Albertans $706 million.

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High tax rate hurts Ontario’s competitiveness

The province's top combined personal income tax rate stands at 53.53 per cent.

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Here’s how Premier Ford can make hard work pay off in Ontario

The province's top combined personal income tax rate is 53.5 per cent, the third-highest rate among all provinces and U.S. states.

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Tax Freedom Day in Nova Scotia—not much to celebrate

The average Nova Scotia family will pay more than 44 per cent of their income on taxes this year.