ontario's debt

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Ontario government’s failure to restrain spending undermines ‘fiscal foundation’

According to the government’s new projections, the deficit will be $5.6 billion—quadruple what it projected earlier this year.

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To restore Ontario’s finances, Ford government must end carefree spending

The province's government debt burden equals 38.7 per cent of the provincial economy.

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Ontario’s budget—another opportunity to lower province’s high income tax rate

At 53.53 per cent, the province has the third-highest top personal income tax rate in Canada and the United States.

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Ontario’s government debt actually increased last year by $6.8 billion

Ontario’s net debt increased from $373.6 billion in 2020/21 to $380.4 billion in 2021/22.

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Despite balanced operating budget in 2021/22, Ontario faces mountain of debt

The province holds $380.4 billion in debt—or nearly $26,000 per Ontarian.