high-income earners

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Most young Canadians don’t think high-income earners should pay more taxes

By raising top tax rates, the government discourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

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Ontario’s budget—another opportunity to lower province’s high income tax rate

At 53.53 per cent, the province has the third-highest top personal income tax rate in Canada and the United States.

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High income tax rates take bite out of middle-income New Brunswickers

To boost their after-tax income by $100, workers at the national average income in New Brunswick must earn an additional $154.60 compared to only $139.30 in B.C.

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Contrary to rhetoric, high-income families pay most taxes in Canada

The top 20 per cent pay nearly two-thirds of all federal and provincial income taxes.

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COVID should make Canadians more skeptical of wealth taxes

Wealth inequality clearly declined in Canada during the pandemic.