On-demand Webinars

Webinar Programs

Our Explore Public Policy Issues seminar and webinar series features engaging presentations about pressing policy issues and innovations. Our series is especially tailored with Canadian content and is available for all post-secondary students across Canada. Students: search below to register for upcoming events or to review featured on-demand webinars. Faculty members are also welcome to incorporate seminars and webinars into their classroom experience. Please reach out to us at [email protected] if you need any assistance.

The Economics of Love & Dating

The Economics of Love & Dating

Ninos Malek provides some hot tips and tricks on how to make the most of your love life, just by learning the basics of economics!

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Nozick on Rights, Justice, and Government

Nozick on Rights, Justice, and Government

Aeon J. Skoble explores Nozick’s theory and moral rationale for taking people’s rights seriously. What does a utopia actually look like?

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The Brighter Side of COVID-19

The Brighter Side of COVID-19

Marian Tupy explains that now, more than ever, humanity’s embrace of science and innovation must be unimpeded.

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What is Liberalism? Past and Future

What is Liberalism? Past and Future

Helena Rosenblatt & Daniel Klein debate what it truly means to be considered liberal, and why it matters.

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The Essential Austrian Economics

The Essential Austrian Economics

Peter Boettke emphasizes the preferences and actions of individuals, and explores the key tenets of Austrian economics and its foremost thinkers.

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Do Markets Corrupt Our Morals?

Do Markets Corrupt Our Morals?

Ginny Choi draws from empirical studies to explore and potentially reassess the claim that markets corrupt our morals.

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Poverty, Inc.

Poverty, Inc.

Michael Matheson Miller runs us through some of his findings on the road to creating his award-winning documentary unearthing the dark side of charity.

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Socialism Sucks

Socialism Sucks

Benjamin Powell has the data and firsthand global experience to affirm that socialism fails to deliver on any of the utopian promises it makes.

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Creative Destruction, Entrepreneurship & Discovery

Creative Destruction, Entrepreneurship & Discovery

Based on the work of noted economist Joseph Schumpeter, Russ Sobel explores the different definitions of entrepreneurship.

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Economic Freedom of the World

Economic Freedom of the World

Why are some nations poor while others prosperous? Signe Thomas answers all questions regarding economic institutions across the world.

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Free Market Conservation in Action

Free Market Conservation in Action

Laura Huggins explains the roles of private landowners and privately funded wildlife reserves in the struggle for species conservation.

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