On-demand Webinars

Webinar Programs

Our Explore Public Policy Issues seminar and webinar series features engaging presentations about pressing policy issues and innovations. Our series is especially tailored with Canadian content and is available for all post-secondary students across Canada. Students: search below to register for upcoming events or to review featured on-demand webinars. Faculty members are also welcome to incorporate seminars and webinars into their classroom experience. Please reach out to us at [email protected] if you need any assistance.

Five Myths of Free Markets

Five Myths of Free Markets

David R Henderson lays out the five major myths about the free market, and how these myths have led to greater government intervention.

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The Essential Coase

The Essential Coase

Lynne Kiesling dives into Ronald Coase’s theories and influence. We will discuss everything from environmental policy, to how we can better enable our digital economy.

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Community Revival in the Wake of a Disaster

Community Revival in the Wake of a Disaster

Stefanie Haeffele argues that entrepreneurs are the most critical part of post-disaster relief efforts, and explains how we can revive our communities by supporting them.

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Consumption Inequality vs. Economic Inequality

Consumption Inequality vs. Economic Inequality

Donald J. Boudreaux talks income inequality, consumption inequality, and quality of life. How optimistic should we really be?

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5 Key Economic Concepts that Every Public Policy Enthusiast Needs to Know

5 Key Economic Concepts that Every Public Policy Enthusiast Needs to Know

Do you love public policy? Do you know how to analyze it? Kim Holder takes us through the 5 key economic concepts that will help you do just that!

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Global Storm: The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Responses around the World

Global Storm: The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Responses around the World

Livio Di Matteo explores the effectiveness of international COVID-19 containment efforts and the wide-ranging policies adopted to limit economic impact.

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Two of the 7 Deadly Economic Sins

Two of the 7 Deadly Economic Sins

James Otteson warns of the economics sins that have deleterious effects on everything from our personal lives to our public policy.

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Why Climate Policy Keeps Failing

Why Climate Policy Keeps Failing

Ross McKitrick explains carbon tax’s unintended consequences, namely permanently increased government deficits and decreased productivity.

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On Productivity: The Story of Labour Market Mobility

On Productivity: The Story of Labour Market Mobility

Robert Murphy talks improved productivity growth, higher wages, and faster job creation – all beginning with greater flexibility in labour contracts.

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Climate Innovations

Climate Innovations

How does increasing global prosperity address global warming issues? Bjorn Lomborg explains that the path forward is driven by ingenuity.

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How Ideas Matter

How Ideas Matter

Art Carden interviews renowned economist, Deirdre McCloskey, as they explore the ideas that promote positive long-run economic change.

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Enviropreneurs in Action

Enviropreneurs in Action

Holly Fretwell examines how environmental entrepreneurs around the world are using markets to provide a freer, cleaner, and more prosperous society.

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