On-demand Webinars

Webinar Programs

Our Explore Public Policy Issues seminar and webinar series features engaging presentations about pressing policy issues and innovations. Our series is especially tailored with Canadian content and is available for all post-secondary students across Canada. Students: search below to register for upcoming events or to review featured on-demand webinars. Faculty members are also welcome to incorporate seminars and webinars into their classroom experience. Please reach out to us at [email protected] if you need any assistance.

Lessons from Quebec on Health Care Reform in the Rest of Canada

Lessons from Quebec on Health Care Reform in the Rest of Canada

Yanick Labrie summarizes Quebec’s unique approach to health care in Canada, showing the compatibility and potential benefits of public-private partnerships within the framework of a universal health care system.

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Venezuelan Socialism: The High Price of Free Things

Venezuelan Socialism: The High Price of Free Things

By sharing his story, join Daniel Di Martino as he explains the root cause of Venezuela’s economic destruction since the turn of the 21st century: socialist economic policies.

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The Mirage of Swedish Socialism: The Economic History of a Welfare State

The Mirage of Swedish Socialism: The Economic History of a Welfare State

Johan Norberg presents how Sweden got rich and experimented with socialism, but came to regret it.

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Booze, Cigarettes, and Constitutional Dust-Ups

Booze, Cigarettes, and Constitutional Dust-Ups: Canada's Quest for Interprovincial Free Trade

Join Ryan Manucha as he traces the story of interprovincial trade, as well as the trade-offs Canadians would have to make in order to liberalize internal trade.

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Crisis Recovery - An Economic Perspective

Crisis Recovery - An Economic Perspective

Join Stefanie Haeffele as she discusses the role of local entrepreneurship and self-governance in crisis and disaster recovery.

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Good News: A.I. Is Taking Our Jobs

Good News: A.I. Is Taking Our Jobs

Join Katherine Mangu-Ward as she makes the techno-optimist case for the ways that A.I will impact the job market.

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Navigating the Complex Landscape of AI Governance

Navigating the Complex Landscape of AI Governance

Driving in the AI dark: Join Matthew Mittelsteadt as he presents on making sound AI policy decisions in an unpredictable technological environment.

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The Road to Socialism and Back: An Economic History of Poland

The Road to Socialism and Back: An Economic History of Poland

Join Peter Boettke as he presents an overview of Poland’s transition from a Soviet Union state to one of the freest countries in the world.

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EV Mandates & Critical Mineral Development

EV Mandates & Critical Mineral Development

With countries implementing mandates for electric vehicles, join Kenneth P. Green as he discusses whether this is realistic or not when considering the historical capacity to produce the metals needed to manufacture these vehicles.

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The Power of and the Prospects for Economic Growth in Canada

The Power of and the Prospects for Economic Growth in Canada

Focusing on economic growth in the Canadian context, join Jock Finlayson as he highlights why such growth is necessary to raise living standards and improve societal well-being over time.

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The Negative Environmental Consequences of Banning Carbon Fuels and Synthetic Products

The Negative Environmental Consequences of Banning Carbon Fuels and Synthetic Products

Join Dr. Pierre Desrochers as he discusses how banning these products in the absence of superior substitutes can only recreate some of the very real problems they once solved.

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Realities of Socialism

Realities of Socialism

Recent polling data finds more than 4-in-10 Canadians—and 50% of younger Canadians aged 18-24—support socialism as their preferred economic system. Join Jason Clemens as he explores the support for socialism, its meaning, and implications.

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