School Report Cards

— Aug 29, 2024
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Report Card on Ontario’s Elementary Schools 2024

Report Card on Ontario's Elementary Schools, 2024 ranks 3021 public, Catholic, and independent elementary schools based on nine academic indicators derived from provincewide test results, finding that regardless of type, location, and student characteristics, the data suggest every school can improve.

— Aug 29, 2024
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End of Accountability in BC High School Student Performance

The End of Accountability in British Columbia High School Student Performance finds that the B.C. government’s new student “assessments” in high schools are much less valuable and useful than the previous exams in measuring student and school performance.

— May 23, 2024
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Report Card on Ontario's Secondary Schools 2023

Report Card on Ontario's Secondary Schools, 2023 ranks 689 public, Catholic, and independent schools based on eight academic indicators derived from provincewide test results, and, contrary to common misconceptions, the data suggests every school can improve regardless of type, location, and student characteristics.

— Mar 5, 2024
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Report Card on Ontario’s Elementary Schools 2023

Report Card on Ontario's Elementary Schools 2023 ranks 2975 public, Catholic, and independent schools based on nine academic indicators derived from provincewide test results. And contrary to common misconceptions, the data suggest every school can improve regardless of type, location, and student characteristics.

— Mar 5, 2024
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Report Card on Alberta’s High Schools 2023

The Report Card on Alberta’s Secondary Schools 2023, which ranks 197 public, Catholic, independent and charter secondary schools based on eight academic indicators generated from provincewide testing, finds that schools can improve student performance regardless of school type, location and student characteristics.

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