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Think-tanks provide competing views on stimulus and infrastructure spending

C.D. Howe op-ed cites no empirical evidence or research to substantiate its opinions.

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Atlantic Canadians rely on programs that rely on Albertans

In 2019, equalization represented 15.5 per cent of provincial revenue in Nova Scotia.

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P.E.I government debt could balloon this year

The province's net government debt may rise 17 per cent in 2020/21.

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Ottawa tweaks regulations for Newfoundland and Labrador’s oil and gas sector

While the regulatory change is welcome news, significant reforms are still required to restore investor confidence.

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Canada’s stabilization program overdue for a rethink

Alberta became eligible for stabilization payments in 2015/16 and 2016/2017.

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P.E.I. deficit may be bigger than forecasts

Forecasts project a -5.1 per cent decline in the province's GDP.

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Reality of government matters when assessing policy options

Such implicit or explicit assumptions invariably lead to unintended consequences.

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Trudeau government should provide fiscal update—now
More than 8 million applicants successfully applied for the CERB.

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China looks to douse freedom in Hong Kong

Hongkongers have enjoyed the highest level of personal freedom in the world, according to the Human Freedom Index.

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