Progressive economists sought to exclude “unfit” workers—mostly women and minorities—from the labour market.
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The government has subjected universities to increased regulatory and planning burdens.
Federal program spending in 2021 will reach a projected $11,370 per person—or 18.7 per cent of the economy.
If Moderna had been allowed to sell its vaccines earlier, many Canadian death and illnesses may have been prevented.
The carbon tax will increase by $15 per tonne until it reaches $170 per tonne.
The string of deficits will increase Nova Scotia’s government debt by nearly 40 per cent from 2019/20 to 2024/25.
According to the budget, debt interest payments will total $13.1 billion in 2021/22.
Within two fiscal years of Chretien's 1995 budget, federal finances had moved from large deficits to surpluses.
Most of Ontario’s February employment gains were for part-time work.
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