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Latest agreement leaves Bank of Canada’s responsibilities unclear

The 2021 agreement introduced a new goal—that monetary policy should also support maximum “sustainable” employment.

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Operating deficits just part of Ontario’s debt story

Annual debt growth has increased substantially since 2018 when the Ford government took office.

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On government spending—Kenney kept his word, Ford did not

Between 2018/19 and 2022/23, the Ontario government expects a 6 per cent increase in inflation-adjusted per-person spending.

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At current commodity prices, Alberta could (and should) fully fund a rainy-day account

According to recent forecasts, the province's resource revenue will likely be higher than forecast in Budget 2022.

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Ontario on track to add more than $100 billion in debt over five years

The province's net debt has climbed from $338 billion in 2018 to more than $400 billion.

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Upcoming budget last chance for Ford government to keep fiscal promises in first term

The government has increased per-person spending by more than 10 per cent between 2018/19 and 2020/21.

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Ontario clings to illusion of fiscal sustainability
Since 1990, the province's net debt-to-GDP ratio has grown from 13 per cent to 43 per cent.

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Bigger government in Canada—there’s no free lunch

When tax rates increase, people often change their economic behaviour in ways that shrink the targeted tax base.

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