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Coronavirus shockwaves felt around the world economy

From 1973 to 1996, Canada's average annual unemployment rate was 8.9 per cent.

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It’s just a matter of time before the Eurozone is yet again bombarded by Greek fiscal fire. Every few days or weeks, Greece roots around, looking under the couch cushions for spare change, this to make its next round of debt payments.

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As everyone from the Manitoba-Ontario border to Tofino knows, the local and provincial economies, which depend on resource extraction, have slowed.

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Over the last decade, higher energy prices and entrepreneur-friendly policies drove Alberta’s booming economy, generating a significant windfall in government revenue.

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For decades, Quebec and its governments have been petulant and demanding. The tendency has been there since at least the first avowedly separatist Parti Quebecois government, elected in 1976. That habit continued regardless of the party in power, and of course, depending on the party, there was always the threat to separate.

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It has been more than two years since an independent commission submitted its report to the Ontario government on the province’s poor public finances and high government debt.