EV Mandates & Critical Mineral Development

EV Mandates & Critical Mineral Development

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About the Webinar

Many countries have implemented extremely ambitious mandates for the adoption of electric vehicles, and the retirement of internal combustion vehicles. However, the mandated pace of EV adoption is out of synch with historical capacity to produce the metals needed to manufacture the vehicles. Join Kenneth P Green as he discusses whether this public policy is feasible feat or not.

This is a previously recorded webinar. The recording includes a 30-minute presentation followed by a 15-minute question and answer period by LIVE attendees. If you are interested in attending one of our upcoming webinars, look under the Upcoming Events tab.

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About the Speaker

Kenneth P. Green

Kenneth P. Green is a Fraser Institute senior fellow and author of over 800 essays and articles on public policy, published by think tanks, major newspapers, and technical and trade journals in North America. Mr. Green holds a doctoral degree in environmental science and engineering from UCLA, a master’s degree in molecular genetics from San Diego State University, and a bachelors degree in general biology from UCLA.

Mr. Green’s policy analysis has centered on evaluating the pros and cons of government management of environmental, health, and safety risk. More often than not, his research has shown that governments are poor managers of risk, promulgating policies that often do more harm than good both socially and individually, are wasteful of limited regulatory resources, often benefit special interests (in government and industry) at the expense of the general public, and are almost universally violative of individual rights and personal autonomy. Mr. Green has also focused on government’s misuse of probabilistic risk models in the defining and regulating of EHS risks, ranging from air pollution to chemical exposure, to climate change, and most recently, to biological threats such as COVID-19.

Mr. Green's longer publications include two supplementary text books on environmental science issues, numerous studies of environment, health, and safety policies and regulations across North America, as well as a broad range of derivative articles and opinion columns. Mr. Green has appeared frequently in major media and has testified before legislative bodies in both the United States and Canada.

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