
Canadian Student Review: Summer 2022

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In this issue:

Student Article #1
Student contributor William Dunstan explains how regulations reduce the affordability of traditional essentials like housing and food, and also increase the cost of products that have more recently entered our daily lives.

Video Gallery
From The Essential Women of Liberty, this video introduces Deirdre N. McCloskey whose humanistic view of economics has fundamentally changed the way economists approach their profession.

The Fraser Institute Blog
Policy analyst Steve Lafleur discusses the strain between federal and provincial governments and highlights the benefits of Canada’s decentralized federalist system.

Every additional dollar of personal income tax revenue collected by the federal government costs $2.86 in lost economic activity because of less investment, less entrepreneurship, less spending, and other behavioural changes that shrink the tax base.

Student Article #2
Student contributor Christopher Mabry analyzes how reduced class sizes can syphon money away from more effective education policies.

Student Book Review
Student contributor Connor Sutton shares his insight on Michael Munger’s book, Is Capitalism Sustainable?

Quote Wall
Deidre N. McCloskey, Distinguished Professor of Economics, History, English, and Communication at the University of Illinois at Chicago on the effects of poverty and tyranny.

The Fraser Institute Blog
Fraser Institute analysts underline James Buchanan’s concerns about the dangers of government debt and explain the difficulties awaiting future generations of Canadians.

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