health care reform

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The idea that some Albertans might be getting their publicly-funded health care more rapidly than others because of who they happen to be, or who they know, or indeed if they have greater ability to pay, seems to have generated a fair amount of rage. Yet many of those who decry such queue jumping by elites and the politically connected are supporters of the current public monopoly in health care insurance and hospital care delivery, and it is this very structure and the rationing by waiting it entails that is to blame for the situation.

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It has been one month since the federal election, and discussions about health care reform—never prominent during the election—seem to be even further away from the public spotlight. Nonetheless, some are trying to get their “remedies” noticed. The usual suspects like the Health Council of Canada—made up of councilors appointed by the federal, provincial, and territorial governments—have put forward their recommendations for improving Canada’s health care system.

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Health care reform has once again become a common dialogue around the water cooler as the 10-year $41 billion funding agreement between the feds and the provinces is set to expire in 2014. The Canadian Medical Association and other key stakeholders expressing their opinions on how health care should be reformed appear to be repeating their tired old status quo story (more money, more plans, and three cheers for Medicare). Canadian politicians and policymakers would be wise to ignore them and take this opportunity to introduce real reform.