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Bank of Canada adopts transparency reforms but still lags behind other central banks

Other central banks publish a projected interest rate path consistent with their economic outlook—not so in Canada.

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The higher-than-expected inflation of the late-1980s was one reason the bank switched to inflation targeting.

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A phrase heard almost hourly at the conference was “this time is different.”

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Only surprises have real effects, Friedman argued, but their effects last only until people realize what’s going on.

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After her presentation to the Economic Club in Toronto Monday, Julie Dickson, the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, faced one key issue in questions from the audience: Do bank regulatory reforms in foreign jurisdictions extend beyond that called for in international forums such as the Basel Committee and Financial Stability Board?


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Banks are increasingly willing to invest in risky assets that offer high returns, warned an assistant superintendent at the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions in a recent speech, raising the risk of another global financial crisis.

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In a year-end interview, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty noted, “I find it just strange that I get some of the financial institutions telling me to mind my own business on regulatory matters — and then we have some worries about the level of consumer debt, and the banks are saying the government needs to move in and tighten standards.” The Minister’s remarks followed calls by some bank CEOS for the government to tighten lending standards for residential mortgages such as a reduction in amortization periods.