ontario electricity

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Consumers will pay $9.2 billion more for renewables under the current plan than Ontario’s previous program.

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Ontario electricity prices are rising much faster than inflation and worse than the national electricity costs trend.

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Thirty-eight per cent of Ontario business owners expect to see their bottom lines shrink due to rising electricity prices.

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What makes Ontario’s costly experiment in renewable electricity generation particularly disappointing is that these high costs have been largely a waste because they have not resulted in the environmental benefits hoped for by their architects.

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Generation costs in Ontario have increased by 74 per cent in the last decade, and may grow to $13.8 billion by 2022.

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Ontario embarked on its Green Energy Act, which subsidizes renewable electricity, and power costs have risen by an estimated 30 per cent.

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The Ontario Chamber of Commerce this week released the findings of an unprecedented consultation with its members and the results are painfully clear: soaring electricity prices are killing business in Ontario.