standardized tests

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Parents need more information to choose the right school

The simplest way to expand school choice is to let the money follow students to the school their parents choose.

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Hiring more ‘learning coaches’ won’t fix Ontario schools

One of the province's leading math educators sees math as an opportunity to push his political views on students.

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Marks and grades still matter in school

In math, there’s a premium on efficiency and accuracy.

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ChatGPT underscores importance of traditional education

Tests are the best way to assess students on actual knowledge and skills acquired in a course.

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Data refute claims of ‘white supremacy’ in standardized testing

Ninety-two per cent of immigrant parents of K-12 children support standardized testing in schools.

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PISA results—a breakdown by province

Manitoba, Saskatchewan and New Brunswick are among the lowest-scoring provinces on both assessments.

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COVID school closures dealt predictable blow to student learning

Canada should finally create an expanded program of national testing of students.

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Parents want standardized tests even if unions don’t

In Ontario, 52 per cent of students in Sixth Grade failed to meet provincial standards in mathematics.