wait times for MRI

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Canadian patients face long waits for diagnostic imaging

The median wait in 2023 for an MRI was 12.9 weeks—two weeks longer than last year.

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Lack of medical resources cost Canadians dearly

Last year, the median wait between a specialist referral and treatment was 14.8 weeks in Canada.

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B.C.’s new MRI machine won’t solve province’s wait-time problem

The province's MRI wait time was longer than the national average.

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Alberta operates remarkably inefficient health-care system with huge price tag

The province had the capacity to perform more than 1.3 million CT exams but only 419,000 were actually performed.

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The Government of Saskatchewan recently passed legislation that will allow patients to pay for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans using their own money.

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The heated and often emotionally charged debate over the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) hasn’t subsided despite it being the law of the land for more than four years.