Fraser Forum

Health Care

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Wait times—the other health-care crisis

The elective surgery queue cost 1.2 million Canadians a total of $2.8 billion in lost wages and productivity.

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Canada’s vaccine rollout continues to lag

If Moderna had been allowed to sell its vaccines earlier, many Canadian death and illnesses may have been prevented.

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B.C. makes progress on surgery backlog—but serious challenges remain

The provincial government contracted several private surgical clinics to help clear the backlog.

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Ottawa should empower provinces to generate health-care funding

Premier Ford wants the federal government to cover 35 per cent of health-care costs, up from 22 per cent.

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Mandatory switching of biologic drugs—beware of potential side-effects

Last year, British Columbia became the first province to introduce a mandatory biosimilar switching program for non-medical reasons.

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Alberta’s surgery backlog should prompt health-care reform in the province

An estimated 80,000 Albertans were waiting for care in early May.

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Ottawa postpones short-sighted drug-pricing regulations

Planned changes would likely result in fewer new and innovative drugs available to Canadians.

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U.S. COVID experience highlights risks of centralized management of health care

The mortality rate per 1 million U.S. residents was 196 compared to 30.5 worldwide.

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